Vision Statements and Purpose Statements

Why Have a Vision Statement for Your Organisation?

A clear and compelling vision statement will guide your organisation towards achieving its vision of future success. It lays the foundation for successful business change from its current state to where you want it to be. Generally short-term, (revisited yearly at least) it offers motivation for leadership and employees.

We help you find your “bigger picture” and gain clarity on your organisation’s goals and objectives. Once we understand the core beliefs and values of your organisation, we’ll fuel your vision with an expertly forged vision statement.

Crafting a Statement of Purpose for Your Business

While it may seem similar to a vision statement, a Statement of Purpose is rooted in the present. It focuses on the reason your organisation exists, detailing its core mission and the impact it aims to have. It explains what the business does and why it does it.

A Purpose Statement for business is a formal document outlining your organisation’s mission, vision, and goals. It acts as a guiding framework that explains why the business exists, what it aims to achieve, and how it plans to do so.

It’s a key document for helping your stakeholders understand your company’s purpose, values, and strategic direction. Often used in business plans, proposals, or applications for funding.

vision statement concept image
Intent statement concept image

How We Deliver Vision Statements and Purpose Statements

We tailor both these services to your specific business needs whatever its sector. Through applying best practice models such as SWOT analysis, scenario planning, PESTLE analysis, business architecture and Porter’s value chain model.

Using our findings we’ll assist in clarifying your organisation’s future aspirations and core mission by extracting key details to shape the foundation of your vision or purpose statement.

Perhaps most importantly, once you have your finalised document, successfully communicating your new vision or purpose statement to your employees, partners and stakeholders is key.

We collaborate with you the best way to achieve this and actualise the business goals that will transform your business.

Ready for business clarity? Get in touch to discover how a purpose or vision statement sets the scene for strategic change.

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